Talent Companion

Professional Coaching,
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Always-on digital coaching for the evolving workplace.

Coach Zoe
Your personal coach and companion at work

Welcome back! Last time we talked about navigating the complexity of your project management. Are you ready to dive deeper, or is there something new on your mind today?

Hi Zoe, something new has come up. I've received feedback that my leadership style might be harming team cohesion. I'm quite taken aback, as I thought I was leading effectively. Can we work through this together?

Of course, it shows strength to seek understanding and growth. Could you walk me through the specific concerns your team has raised about your style?


Here's my takeaway: Your pace and assertiveness, seen as motivational by you, are perceived as pressure by your team. Let's explore—how does setting high expectations align with your team's capabilities and stress levels?

I believe in setting the bar high from the start. I'm transparent about goals and deadlines and check in regularly to stay on course. Maybe my approach to follow-ups is what is causing them stress? I thought I was helping, but perhaps I'm missing the mark?

Reflection is a powerful step. How might your follow-ups impact the team’s morale? What if you experimented with alternative communication methods or involved them in creating the roadmap?

That's an interesting point. In my mind, I was driving efficiency, but if my actions are seen as micromanagement, that's something I need to address. How can I adjust my style without compromising on our deliverables?

It is a balance. Openly discussing expectations with your team might reveal ways to keep performance high without overburdening them. Consider scheduling a team session where everyone can voice their preferred working styles and collectively set feasible targets. Do you think your team would be receptive to such an approach?

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Our workplace companion and coach, Zoe, brings professional guidance previously reserved for executives to every individual within an organization. She is like your personal Yoda in the workplace, ensuring empowerment is within everyone's reach.


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